Board of Directors

(As of Jun 25, 2024)

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Hiroshi Mitsuhara

March 1980   Established Nihon Chouzai Co., Ltd. to assume the office of President & CEO  

January 1994   Established Miyagi Nihon Chouzai Co., Ltd. (currently Medical Resources Co., Ltd.) to assume the office of President & CEO  

January 2005   Established Nihon Generic Co., Ltd. to assume the office of President & CEO  

January 2012   Established Japan Medical Research Institute Co., Ltd. to assume the office of President & CEO  

May 2013   Chairman of the Board of Choseido Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

June 2024    Chairman of the Board of Directors (to present)

President and CEO

Naoto Kasai

April 2013 Joined the Company, Manager of Sales Management Department

October 2013 General Manager of Sales Promotion Department

June 2015 Director of the Company, General Manager of Sales Promotion Department

April 2016 Director of the Company, General Manager of Sales Management Department

June 2016 Managing Director, General Manager of Sales Management Department

April 2020 Managing Director 

April 2022 Managing Executive Officer 

May 2024  President & CEO of the Company (to present)

Director, Senior Executive Officer

Toshiyuki Koyanagi

July 1990 Joined the Company

April 2000 Manager of Pharmaceutical Department, Tohoku Branch

December 2004 General Manager of East Japan Pharmaceutical headquarters

December 2009 General Manager of Purchasing Department, Pharmaceutical Headquarters

April 2012 General Manager of Pharmaceutical Headquarters and General Manager of Purchasing Department, Pharmaceutical Headquarters

June 2012 Director of the Company, General Manager of Pharmaceutical Headquarters and General Manager of Purchasing Department, Pharmaceutical Headquarters

January 2014 Director of the Company, General Manager of Pharmaceutical Headquarters (to present)

April 2022 Senior Executive Officer (to present)

Kazunori Ogi

May 2008 Joined the Company

April 2009 Manager of Finance Department

April 2015 General Manager of Finance Department

June 2015 Director of the Company, General Manager of Finance Department(to present), Director of Medical Resources Co.,Ltd.

October 2021 President & CEO of Choseido Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (to present),  Director of Nihon Generic Co., Ltd. (to present)

April 2022 Senior Executive Officer (to present)

Yoshihisa Fujimoto

January 2011 Joined the Company, General Manager of Sales Department for Public Institutions

October 2013 General Manager of General Affairs Department

June 2016 Director of the Company, General Manager of Administration Department and General Affairs Department (to present)

April 2019 Director, General Manager of Administration Department

April 2022 Senior Executive Officer (to present)

May 2023 Director (to present)


Masahiro Inoue

May 2016 Joined Nihon Generic Co., Ltd.

May 2016 General Manager of Human Resources and General Affairs Department of Nihon Generic Co., Ltd.

June 2016 Director of Nihon Generic Co., Ltd.

June 2017 Managing Director of Nihon Generic Co., Ltd.

June 2020 Director of Choseido Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (to present)

June 2022 President & CEO of Nihon Generic Co., Ltd. (to present)

June 2023 Director (to present)

Outside Director

Yoshimitsu Onji

April 1977 Joined The Daiei, Inc.

April 1994 General Manager of Corporate Planning Department of The Daiei, Inc.

September 1998 Executive Vice President of REPARTNERS

December 1999 Director of OZ-corporation(Representative) (to present)

March 2000 Executive Officer of Office RECOF Co.,Ltd. (Currently RECOF Corporation)

June 2007 Director and Senior Executive Officer of RECOF Corporation

June 2010 President and CEO of RECOF Corporation

October 2016 Chairman of the Board of RECOF Corporation

December 2016 Director of M&A Capital Partners Co.,Ltd.

March 2018 Outside Director of Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd. (to present)

June 2018 Director of the Company (to present)

December 2019 Outside Auditor of United Foods International Co., Ltd. (to present)

June 2020 Outside Director of Sotetus Holdings Inc. (to present)

December 2021 Outside Director of Sanyu Appraisal Corporation (to present)

Mikiharu Noma

April 2002 Lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Yokohama City University

October 2003 Assistant Professor of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Yokohama City University

October 2004 Assistant Professor of Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy (ICS) of Hitotsubashi University

April 2007 Associate Professor of Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy (ICS) of Hitotsubashi University

June 2016 Outside Director of BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc. 

April 2019 Professor of Graduate School of Business Administration Hitotsubashi University Business School (to present)

June 2019 Outside Auditor of Nice Holdings, Inc. (currently Nice Corporation) (to present)

December 2019 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of DarWin Capital Partners Ltd. (to present)

April 2021 Business Adviser of BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. 

June 2021 Outside Director of the Company (to present)

January 2022 Outside Director of Good Com Asset Co.,Ltd. (to present)

Director, Audit Committee member

Nobuyuki Hatakeyama

September 1987 Joined the Company

June 2000 Director of the Company

June 2006 Branch Manager, Nagoya Branch

December 2009 Branch Manager, Yokohama Branch

February 2016 General Manager of Operational Audits Department at Nihon Chouzai Co., Ltd.

June 2018 Director of the Company (Audit Committee member) (to present), Auditor of Nihon Generic Co., Ltd.(to present), Auditor of Medical Resources Co.,Ltd. (to present), Auditor of Japan Medical Research Institute Co., Ltd. (to present), Auditor of Choseido Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (to present)

Outside Director, Audit Committee member

Shio Harada

April 2000 Registered as attorney (Daini Tokyo Bar Association)


August 2012 Opened Shiki-no-Kaze Law Group

April 2015 Civil Conciliation Commissioner of Tokyo District Court (to present)

April 2016 Specially Appointed Professor of RIKKYO UNIVERSITY Law School

April 2020 Lecturer in the area of civil affairs at Legal Training and Research Institute (to present)

May 2021 Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member) of WARABEYA NICHIYO HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (to present)

June 2022 Outside Director of the Company (Audit Committee member) (to present)

March 2024   Outside Director of JRA SYSTEM SERVICE CO., LTD. (to present)

Tomomi Nakano

April 1992   Joined The Chuo Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (currently Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited)

October 1999   Joined Asahi & Co. (currently KPMG AZSA LLC)  

February 2007   Joined Shinnihon LLC (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC)  

August 2013   Opened Nakano Tomomi CPA & LTA Office to assume the office of Representative (to present)  

June 2015   Outside Company Auditor of The Yachiyo Bank, Limited  

May 2018   Outside Company Auditor of Kiraboshi Bank, Ltd.  

November 2021   Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee member) of Uniden Holdings Corporation  

August 2023   Auditor of Northern Territories Issue Association (part-time) (to present)

June 2024   Outside Director of the Company (Audit Committee member) (to present), Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee member) of Mebuki Financial Group, Inc. (to present)  


Managing Executive Officer

Yoshiki Kamada

Senior Executive Officer

Noriaki Miyata

Keiso Masuhara

Executive Officer

Kaoru Kamo

Satoshi Nakajima

Kunihiko Kurihara

Takayuki Mitarashi

Hiroshi Oizumi

Naoya Maeda

Go Yuasa

Takuya Sakurai

Nihon Chouzai Top Company Brochure Board of Directors